Sunday 30 October 2011


kinda silly looking centaur spiderr sketch

Thursday 27 October 2011

Fun With Spidey

We were mucking around in InDesign, just testing out stuff and learning about various features, so....the floor is lava. 

Monday 24 October 2011

More Progress on this dude

I put some more detail into his clothing, and the general background, he seems to be coming along well.

Dragon Rage

Not all that awesome, just something I decided to do this afternoon for no real reason

Friday 14 October 2011

weifhiwejloi griffons.

no access to photoshop for two weeks = traditional thingsyey.

Thursday 6 October 2011

a mane, and stuff

Block colours and stuff. rgaergegr .

I got fed up with working on the horse and blocked in a whole lot of mindblowingly basic colours for the background and etc

Tuesday 4 October 2011

New Project Sketch

Because I totally need distractions right now :^Y

I fixed up some stuff, and am still working. trying to fix more stuff. 

Monday 3 October 2011

Returning to work on this

It's been a while since I've been able to get any work done on this, with schoolwork and so on being due. But here's how it's going. 

Thursday 22 September 2011



THAR SHE BLOWS. I return with more knowledge of all things fluffy and feathery. And hope that I can pull this off somehow. PROGRESS.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Colors Sort of. some crap.


I just received the most helpful critique /advice/whatnot from some random who showed me JUST HOW EXTREME a drawing i did COULD HAVE BEEN had I done THIS AND THIS AND BEEN LESS USELESS AT THIS AND KNOWN MORE ABOUT THIS AND OHGOD. I'M GOING TO DIE.

I'm am so tempted right now to withdraw into minecraft, but NO. NO MORE.
It's drawing time. All the time.



Sunday 18 September 2011

The next project - Some more griffons

I haven't got all that much down yet, just a quick sketch

Wednesday 14 September 2011

Alternate version

A Finished Image, I think...

Finally, something that I am happy to call finished. Well, somewhat finished. I'm a little too tired right now to create some sort of a pattern to be projected onto the figures, and maybe a more detailed background, but for now this is good.

A demon attempting to sway the mind of a naive young wizard. 

Now, it is time to consider my next project. Perhaps I should do something that's actually school related this time around...

Maxine Canham

And now to add a little more detail, and light...

demon detail

A familiar has been added!

Well, not so much a familiar, as a somewhat malicious, demonic creature that would appear to by trying to trick our wizard friend into some foolish act of evil or...something. This will be decided later. Probably should've thought of this sort of thing first though..

Update, as of Thursday

So finally, something seems to be coming along quite well, I've been looking back and getting irritated at the older drawings on this blog, but I've been being very careful with this one. I'll be trying the same thing I did with the weird orange lady, adding patterns and whatnot, see how it goes. 

Monday 12 September 2011

Thursday 8 September 2011

A second screenshot

So the drawing seems to be coming along quite well, apart from the fact that I am now completely stuck on what to do next. I may simply be a bit tired, and need a break...

New Project

So I've started work on a new project, and I'm trying to start taking the whole thing a little more seriously. I'm not so experienced with photoshop yet, so a lot of this is just fumbling around trying to figure out how to make things look cool, but in time I'll get the hang of it. 
Backgrounds have always been something I've skipped over or ignored, so that's another thing I'm trying to work on. I figure that dominating the background with sky will be an easy way to start, and so far I'm quite happy with the results. 

I forgot to take a screenshot of any of the earlier stages
I was too excited. Oops. 

I'll also have to convince myself to step away from drawing dragons. They have become my default subject in just about all of the artistic fields I'm interested in, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

I've also been working on a few other projects on the side, none of which have really gotten anywhere, but for the sake of keeping a record, I'll post them anyway. 

I think I just wanted to make something look cool. Okay actually at the start it was a provocatively dressed female figure but I soon got sick of that. Now I can't even tell what gender these dudes are. 
And I have no idea what happened to merge a dragon with a bird/griffon/tame animal. 
I managed to get back into Runescape. Somehow. And this is the result of me being obsessed with all things Range/ Rouge/ Thieving/ Dragonhide/ Coolness. 
What little detail I've put in isn't exactly faithful to the games original content, just a glimpse of how I imagine it. 

I'm going to be glad now that I've actually written a proper entry, instead of just posting a random screenshot with the words 'BLUH' or 'WHUT' written above it.

Until next time
- Maxine.

Sunday 28 August 2011

cleaned up a little

rough stages - Spined Larupia

The Spined Larupia is a creature from runescape. and it is very pretty. XD Still needs le spots and etc, but it's coming along.