Thursday 8 September 2011

New Project

So I've started work on a new project, and I'm trying to start taking the whole thing a little more seriously. I'm not so experienced with photoshop yet, so a lot of this is just fumbling around trying to figure out how to make things look cool, but in time I'll get the hang of it. 
Backgrounds have always been something I've skipped over or ignored, so that's another thing I'm trying to work on. I figure that dominating the background with sky will be an easy way to start, and so far I'm quite happy with the results. 

I forgot to take a screenshot of any of the earlier stages
I was too excited. Oops. 

I'll also have to convince myself to step away from drawing dragons. They have become my default subject in just about all of the artistic fields I'm interested in, and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

I've also been working on a few other projects on the side, none of which have really gotten anywhere, but for the sake of keeping a record, I'll post them anyway. 

I think I just wanted to make something look cool. Okay actually at the start it was a provocatively dressed female figure but I soon got sick of that. Now I can't even tell what gender these dudes are. 
And I have no idea what happened to merge a dragon with a bird/griffon/tame animal. 
I managed to get back into Runescape. Somehow. And this is the result of me being obsessed with all things Range/ Rouge/ Thieving/ Dragonhide/ Coolness. 
What little detail I've put in isn't exactly faithful to the games original content, just a glimpse of how I imagine it. 

I'm going to be glad now that I've actually written a proper entry, instead of just posting a random screenshot with the words 'BLUH' or 'WHUT' written above it.

Until next time
- Maxine.

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